
Customer ratings for Gardenwall Soft Split Charcoal

Gardenwall Soft Split Charcoal
Product no.: Gardenchss
Was $4.60

Prices include GST

1 m² = $110.39


295mm x 125mm x 210mm.

National Masonry charcoal soft split retaining walls. Free Delivery over 2 pallets Brisbane and Gold Coast



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Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 4.6
Great product, will definitely use again on future projects.
from Anonymous on 4/06/2021
The finished product looks amazing, customer was extremely happy.
The online store is very user friendly and the range of products available is fantastic.
from Anonymous on 3/12/2020
Very easy to work with Brick.
No defects in the 3 pallets I got. It was easy to handle and to split.
from Anonymous on 13/07/2020
Great pricing garden wall soft split block with great customer serve. Would definitely buy product again. Delivery was quick and easy with no hassle at all. Delivery driver was very good in placing the blocks where you need them.
from Anonymous on 2/11/2018
Transporation may have been a bit rough because upper layers on the pallets tended to be chipped at a higher rate that the lower bricsk, especially on the upper edge.
from Anonymous on 3/01/2018
Second time I've used the Soft Split blocks... continued and complete a landscaping job started about 6 years ago.... great result and very happy with how they look.